Back to School

It’s September and officially ‘back to school’ after the long summer break. This is traditionally a time to get organised – buy shiny new shoes and sort out that pencil case.

For businesses, this is also a time to re-group, particularly after the summer break and perhaps a bit of down time. However, there are already Halloween decorations in the shops and it won’t be long until Christmas adverts begin on the television!

Now is a good time to think about getting everything together to complete your Self -Assessment tax return (if you are required to do one). The sooner you can send all your information to us, the more time we’ll have to work through any questions we might need answered.

We’d hate to see HMRC give you a detention (well, a fine) if you miss the deadline of 31 January!

For more information, please contact: or call us on tel: 01892 513515.