All posts in the News category

The sun has got its hat on

The sunshine over the past few days has encouraged a lot of us to venture outdoors and even book a few days away to make the most of it. Many of us rediscovered beautiful corners of the UK over the past two years, when travel abroad was tricky and, for many months, impossible. Now, while […]


Creating a solid partnership

While the Covid-19 pandemic was bad news for many businesses, it did lead to an increase in people launching their own ventures for the first time. While many of us are happy to go it alone with a new business, some people grab the opportunity to do it with a friend, relative or colleague. With […]


Don’t get caught out by VAT

If you are a sole trader and not yet VAT registered, it’s vital to make sure that they don’t accidently end up exceeding the VAT threshold. Currently this figure stands at £85,000 but businesses can choose to register even if their turnover is less than that amount. We’d suggest that if your turnover is heading […]


Meet… Lorraine Kendall

Here at Lewis & Co, we do not just help you with your accountancy and tax needs, but offer a payroll service too. This is led by Lorraine Kendall, who has been part of our team for two and a half years. “As soon as a business takes on just one employee, then there are […]


Community spirit

Across the UK, the number of community interest companies is growing, as a response to current issues including rising fuel prices and the impact of Covid-19. There is evidence that the pandemic spurred people on to be more community-minded, setting up neighbourhood projects including food banks and retail hubs. The Annual Report 2020/21 from the […]


Supporting the IT crowd

The Tech Nation Report 2021 from TechUK, which looked at the state of play for the UK’s tech sector, showed another year of strong growth, even in these challenging times. In fact, it raised the third highest amount of venture capital investment in the world (behind only the US and China). The IT sector in […]


Sowing the seeds of a new business

Clients often ask us when the best time of the year is to launch a new business and our answer will usually be February or March. According to a report by Aldermore Future Attitudes, UK small businesses launched in spring tend to ‘triumph over’ companies created during other seasons. From an aspirational point of view, […]


Supporting Myaware

As we mentioned in the run-up to Christmas, we’ve made the decision to support Myaware as our ‘charity of choice’ in 2022. This is the first time we’ve chosen a charity to focus on in this way at Lewis & Co. We are looking forward to working closely with the charity and will be coming […]


Supporting other professionals

Here at Lewis & Co, we are proud to provide our accountancy services to a number of firms working within other professional services, including financial advisers, mortgage advisers, business consultants and small legal practices. As a professional services firm ourselves, we understand the issues which these types of firms face when running their business and […]


Our shopping bag of services

Here at Lewis & Co, we count a number of retailers among our clients, including the Southborough Computer Centre and Chests & Drawers, on our doorstep here in Kent. Across the South East, we also support retailers including a bridal shop and a couple of hardware stores. We know that many of them have had […]