Changes to Payroll

Here at Lewis & Co, our clients that employ people are facing up to a couple of changes to their payroll. From 1 April 2025, the National Living Way (NLW) for those aged 21 or over will rise from £11.44 per hour to £12.21, while there are also increases to the rates that apply to […]


Double Cab Pick-Ups to be Treated as Company Cars

Over the past year or so, we’ve had many questions from our clients regarding HMRC’s treatment of double cab pick-ups and this certainly wasn’t helped by a U-turn by HMRC last year regarding how they would treat these vehicles, that left many people confused. Traditionally, commercial vehicles have been treated more favourably than cars for […]


Time For A New Accountant?

Changing accountants – like ending any significant relationship – can seem like a big decision. However, you might have found that filing your latest Self-Assessment Tax Return provided the catalyst to look for ‘someone new’. We regularly get calls in January from people who are finding it hard to get hold of their existing accountant. […]


Why It’s Good To Talk In February

As accountants, we always breathe a sigh of relief when February comes along and all our clients’ Self-Assessment Tax Returns have been completed and filed with HMRC. While we’re always ready to support your business plans, we typically have more time to chat after the, sometimes frantic, run up to 31 January deadline. February is […]


A VAT Inspector Calls

We know that HMRC takes its role very seriously and has been putting additional resources into debt collection, while we’ve heard of more instances of VAT officers visiting businesses to inspect VAT records (known as compliance checks). These are usually completely random visits and it doesn’t generally mean VAT officers think you are doing anything […]


Under The Influence

Anyone who is a user of social media platforms such as Instagram has probably been ‘influenced’ at some point. This might be as simple as seeing somebody locally trying out the latest coffee shop in town – and being tempted to give it a go as well – to seeing a well-known influencer recommending that […]


Food For Thought

The way we eat in the UK has transformed over recent years. Just 20 years ago, the only takeaway food we’d routinely enjoy were Indian and Chinese, fish and chips, kebab or a pizza. We’d probably pick it up ourselves, with only the most enterprising restaurants offering a delivery service. Now in our towns and […]


Barney Publishes A Book: ‘Our High Points’

Barney Lewis, who founded Lewis & Co nearly 40 years ago, and retired from the business in March 2016, has published a book, which focuses on his long interest in climbing. Even after qualifying as a Chartered Accountant in 1971, Barney took a couple of years out, which he spent rock climbing in the Alps […]


We are your perfect accountancy candidate

Here at Lewis & Co, we know HR consultants are having a busy time at the moment as, on Thursday 10 October, the Government unveiled details of the new Employment Rights Bill. The Government described it as ‘the biggest upgrade to rights at work for a generation’. It covers areas such as unfair dismissal, zero-hours […]


David marks ten years with Lewis & Co

This month (September 2024) David Southall marks ten years with Lewis & Co. “It’s quite scary to think how quickly the time has gone,” he says.   David didn’t start his career wanting to be accountant, instead he was drawn to working in sport – which he loves. This led him to be being a […]