2nd June 2023
You’ve got a viable business idea and have decided to launch your enterprise. One of the first questions you’ll need to address is whether to be a sole trader or establish a limited company? This is important, as you need the correct legal structure to operate effectively and it can affect the tax you’ll pay […]
19th May 2023
The rate of Corporation Tax has gone up and down a fair bit over the years and, at some points last year, it became a little confusing as to what companies would actually end up paying. However, it’s clearer now – for the time being at least. Along with a list of other tax changes […]
3rd May 2023
How we can help you with your franchise According to the British Franchise Association (BFA), the 48,600 franchise businesses in the UK contribute £17.2 billion per annum to UK GDP and employ 710,000 people. In fact, many of what we assume are just ‘High Street chains’ – such as McDonald’s, Clark’s (the footwear company), Subway, […]
24th April 2023
Stepping onto the property ladder Spring is traditionally the most popular time of the year to go house hunting. The weather is warming up, gardens look more attractive with their spring colours and there are likely to be more properties to look at, leading to more choice. If you’re self-employed and considering making that first […]
6th April 2023
Time for a change? Have you spent the last few weeks trying to get hold of your accountant to ask them some tricky questions about filling out your Self-Assessment form or, if you do get through, do you end up speaking to somebody else every time you call? Have you saved money using an online […]
16th March 2023
As the American statesman Benjamin Franklin wrote in 1789: “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” It would be nice to imagine that, once we are dead, our tax obligations die with us. Unfortunately, this is not the case, not initially anyway… Here at Lewis & Co we […]
27th February 2023
Now 31 January has passed, this is the perfect time to support you with your end of the year tax planning and look at how you can make the most of any unused allowances and exemptions. There are a range of options from maximising personal allowances, Capital Gains Tax and Inheritance Tax exemptions, through to […]
13th February 2023
As we start a New Year, here are some dates for your diary: January 2023 1: Corporation Tax payment deadline for companies with 31 March 2022 year-end. 31: File 2021/22 Income Tax and CGT online return. Pay 2021/22 tax to avoid interest and first instalment of 2022/23 Self-Assessment tax on income. Companies with IR35 to […]
20th January 2023
HMRC has announced a new ‘penalty point’ regime for the late submission of VAT returns and the late payment of VAT. It will apply for VAT accounting periods starting on or after 1 January 2023 and also applies to a nil or repayment return. The way interest is charged is also changing. You must send […]
9th January 2023
When we work with a business here at Lewis & Co, we take time to understand what the owner is trying to achieve – both in the short term and the long term. While that includes supporting them with their tax issues, it also involves keeping an eye on cash flow. All the numbers have […]